Excel Tips & Tutorials
Excel XLOOKUP Function
Xlookup is the long awaited improvement on Vlookup, Hlookup and Index Match. It also allows for easier formula writing to allow for matches, Errors and Summing multiple array lookups. Below are 5 ways to utilise the Xlookup function and the formulas associated....
Add dates in Excel
There are many different ways to add, subtract or count dates in Excel. Below are 11 of the most commonly used and most straight forward functions for them.Below is the formulas in text format for you to copy and paste into your Worksheet should you need to. If using...
How To Protect Multiple Worksheets At Once with Password In Excel using VBA
The following will help you Protect an entire workbook in one go using VBA. It is best if you know how to use or run VBA code to use this. If you don't know how to use VBA code feel free to contact us. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys, and it opens the Microsoft Visual...
How To Unprotect Multiple Worksheets At Once with Password In Excel using VBA
The following will help you Unprotect an entire workbook in one go using VBA. It is best if you know how to use or run VBA code to use this. If you don't know how to use VBA code feel free to contact us. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys, and it opens the Microsoft Visual...
How To Insert Sheet/tab Names In a Cell In Excel
Here is an easy way to insert the current worksheet's name into a cellInsert the following formula into any cell and press enter =MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,255) In the below we have called the worksheet Sales Data. The formula above is in...
How to Add a Drop Down list using a Named Range in Excel
Previously we looked at making a simple dropdown list but this can be somewhat limited and time consuming if you need to add more options to choose from for any category. Here we will show you the benefits of using Name Ranges or Dynamic drop downs.Here we have our...
How To Add Drop Down List in Excel
An Excel drop down list or dropdown menu increases data entry speed and reduces the possibility for data entry error. Below is a quick and easy way to create a dropdown list or drop down menu using the Data Validation feature. Create a tab called list. (Its best...